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Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live.


You can help make a difference

Thank you for considering a donation to Habitat for Humanity Roosevelt and Curry County. We take seriously our responsibility to contributors, to those counting on our help to be wise stewards of funds entrusted to us. Each gift you make helps a family in need of decent shelter. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law and will be acknowledged with a letter you may use for those purposes. 

We raise our funds locally and receive no funding from Habitat for Humanity International other than designated funds. We support the efforts of Habitat for Humanity International by tithing 10% of all donations, unless the donation is restricted by the donor to be used only in Roosevelt and Curry Counties.

Online Contributions:

checkmark Give directly to Habitat
  HabitatRCC gladly accepts credit card donations through the Habitat for Humanity International web site. Please make sure to specifiy Habitat for Humanity Roosevelt and Curry County New Mexico. Proceed to Habitat.org. Gifts made online are safe, thanks to our secure-server capability.
checkmark Paypal
  Paypal users may donate through their Paypal accounts to habitatrcc@yahoo.com.  If you are unfamiliar with Paypal, click on the logo below for an information window.

Donate by Mail:

checkmark To send HabitatRCC a donation via United States Postal Service with checks payable to Ha, please address it to:

620 West First Street
Portales, NM 88130 

Other ways to donate:

checkmark Habitat is a United Way funded organization

  If you prefer designating your donations through charitable campaigns at your place of work, we are funded by the United Way of Eastern New Mexico and the Combined Federal Campaign at Cannon Air Force Base. Please specify Habitat RCC as your preferred organization when completing your pledge cards.

checkmark Attention Ebay Sellers!

  Donate to Habitat through your listing!

Habitat RCC is now a member of the MissionFish community and eligible to be selected as a partner non-profit when you are creating a new item listing on Ebay. Please visit the Ebay seller's information sections regarding contributing a portion of your selling price to Habitat.

Or through this link. Favorite us on eBay

checkmark Donate via Goodsearch
  While searching, shopping or dining Goodsearch has raised more than $9 million for causes like Habitat for Humanity of Roosevelt & Curry Counties. Just go to goodshop.com and up to 20% of virtually everything you buy from 2,800 participating stores (from Amazon to Zazzle) will be donated.

www.goodsearch.com search engine

www.goodshop.com shopping hub

www.gooddining.com dining hub

checkmark Cars for Homes
Do you have an older car, truck, van, trailer, RV or boat taking up valuable space in your yard? Your car donation will support Habitat for Humanity's local and global mission of eliminating poverty housing and save you the time and energy of finding a buyer. By donating a car to our vehicle donation program, you can help Habitat for Humanity of Roosevelt & Curry Counties build houses in partnership with families in need of a hand up, not a hand-out.
It is quick and easy to donate automobiles, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, construction equipment and other vehicles ~ running or not! Plus, you may be eligible for a tax deduction. (Consult your tax advisor or the IRS for details.)

Donate your car now

To donate a car, truck, boat or RV to Cars for HomesTM  - Habitat's official car donation program, call (877) 277-4344 toll free, or visit www.carsforhomes.org and let us take care of the rest. It's a convenient way to support Habitat for Humanity of Roosevelt & Curry Counties, and create more space in your driveway!


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Hours: Thurs 10am-5pm,
Fri 10am-5pm,
Saturdays 10am-5pm

National Partner Spotlight

GAF Roofing Systems logo
  GAF is a manufacturer of roofing and venting products that has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to provide roofing products to U.S. Habitat affiliates through HFHI’s Gifts-In-Kind program.
  View all national partners
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