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Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live.


Applying for a Habitat home

Applications for houses are closed.

We are currently not accepting new Applications for Housing at this time. Please review the information below if you are interested in applying in the future. This page will be updated when the application window opens again.

If you are interested in being considered as a potential Partner, please review the below Readiness Checklist and gather the documentation that will be needed to complete our Application for Housing. Once you have all of the documents, we will be able to schedule an appointment so that we can help with the application form.

Questions? For more information about the application process, please call our office at (575) 359-1344.

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Hours: Thurs 10am-5pm,
Fri 10am-5pm,
Saturdays 10am-5pm
Phone: (575) 935-0760
If outside of operating hours leave your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Or contact the Restore manager here.

National Partner Spotlight

GAF Roofing Systems logo
  GAF is a manufacturer of roofing and venting products that has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to provide roofing products to U.S. Habitat affiliates through HFHI’s Gifts-In-Kind program.
  View all national partners
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