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Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live.



Not Just Construction

Most people assume that we only need construction volunteers, but there are many ways that you may contribute your time with Habitat for Humanity. Our organization is 100% volunteer based and we always need a helping hand. Volunteers are needed: 

  • Cleanup work
  • ReStore assistant
  • Fundraising
  • Organization
  • Promotion
  • Web site maintenance
  • To serve on our Board of Directors or on an operating committee
  • To help us apply for grants and generate fundraisers
  • To provide meals for our construction volunteers at the building site
  • To pass out information and speak to people at local events (Heritage Days, Fair, etc...)
  Committees: Family Selection
  Members of this committee review applications for homeownership and conduct interviews with applicants. After making sure that the applicant meets all criteria, they make a recommendation to the Board of Directors if the family should be selected as a partner family.
  Family Support
  This committee forms a relationship with the partner families. One person on the committee is paired with a family. That person becomes their mentor and will answer any questions that the family may have. He/She will also be responsible for collecting information from the Partner Family and keeping track of the family’s sweat equity requirement.
  Site Selection
  People on this committee search for sites that Habitat may obtain to build homes on.
  This committee works together on all phases of construction of the homes.
  This committee works on ways to raise money and public awareness of our mission.
  Church Relations
  Works to develop partnerships with churches in the area, so that the churches' members donate to Habitat, sponsor homes, suggest family applicants and generally support the mission.
  Grant Writing
  Writing applications for different grants.
  Volunteer Coordination
  Arranges volunteers for different events that we may have, including construction.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our office at 575-359-1344 or email us.
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Hours: Thurs 10am-5pm,
Fri 10am-5pm,
Saturdays 10am-5pm

National Partner Spotlight

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  For more than 17 years, window fashions manufacturer Hunter Douglas has provided thousands of sets of custom aluminum mini-blinds to U.S. affiliates. 
  View all national partners
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