Local Events:
House #16 Nears Completion!!!
Thank you to all of the contractors and dedicated volunteers who have been working on the house.

Meet our newest partner family the Galvan family.

"Thanks to Habitat For Humanity for hand selecting my family for this amazing opportunity and being house #16.
I am forever grateful for Habitat For Humanity and all the donors, staff and volunteers that have made this all possible." -Desiree Galvan
We are still raising funds for house 16. The house will be built at 800 Gidding St.
Tis the Tie For the Christmas Store
Thursday 10am - 4pm Friday 10am - 4pm Saturday 10am - 4pm
Don't forget to visit our facebook page and follow us here
Habitat Today
Habitat partners with people in your community and all over the world, helping them build or improve a place they can call home. Working alongside volunteers, Habitat homeowners put in hundreds of “sweat-equity” hours as they help build their own homes. Homeowners then purchase their home and pay an affordable mortgage.
Looking for affordable housing? Own your home, but need repairs?
We build houses, but more than that, we help families improve the skills it takes to be a success in life:
· Studies of children ages 5-8 revealed that children of homeowners scored 9% higher in math and 7% higher in reading
· Studies show that children living in owned homes have fewer behavioral problems than children whose parents rent housing.
· Habitat family members become neighborhood leaders, serving in the PTA and community associations.
· Habitat families are supported through establishing good credit, creating a family budget, purchasing insurance, paying taxes, maintaining property values and many other effective homeownership skills.
We turn families who may not otherwise be able to afford a home of their own into proud homeowners.
Habitat can also help current lower-income homeowners with critical home repairs that may be beyond their means. Zero interest loans for needed materials, repayment plans are based on actual ability to pay. Sweat equity options are available in order to qualify toward partnering with Habitat volunteers in completing the repair project.